
We work hard to attract, retain, and support the most outstanding faculty.

Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research


Authors: Bikle DD, Sakata T, Leary C, Elalieh H, Ginzinger D, Rosen CJ, Beamer W, Majumdar S, Halloran BP

The American journal of medicine | Volume 113 of Issue 4


Authors: Estrella M, Cosgrove SE

Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) | Volume 36 of Issue 3


Authors: Monto A, Alonzo J, Watson JJ, Grunfeld C, Wright TL

The American journal of medicine


Authors: Heidenreich PA, Shlipak MG, Geppert J, McClellan M

The American journal of cardiology


Authors: Kizer JR, Silvestry FE, Kimmel SE, Kasner SE, Wiegers SE, Erwin MB, Schwalm SA, Viswanathan MN, Pollard JR, Keane MG, Sutton MG

Journal of the National Cancer Institute


Authors: Barlow WE, Lehman CD, Zheng Y, Ballard-Barbash R, Yankaskas BC, Cutter GR, Carney PA, Geller BM, Rosenberg R, Kerlikowske K, Weaver DL, Taplin SH

Arthritis and rheumatism


Authors: Cunnane G, Warnock M, Fye KH, Daikh DI

Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology


Authors: McCloskey DT, Rokosh DG, O'Connell TD, Keung EC, Simpson PC, Baker AJ