
We work hard to attract, retain, and support the most outstanding faculty.

Annals of internal medicine


Authors: Grady D, Rubin SM, Petitti DB, Fox CS, Black D, Ettinger B, Ernster VL, Cummings SR

The Journal of biological chemistry | Volume 267 of Issue 35


Authors: Chan SD, Karpf DB, Fowlkes ME, Hooks M, Bradley MS, Vuong V, Bambino T, Liu MY, Arnaud CD, Strewler GJ

The American review of respiratory disease


Authors: Allen S, Batungwanayo J, Kerlikowske K, Lifson AR, Wolf W, Granich R, Taelman H, Van de Perre P, Serufilira A, Bogaerts J

Human molecular genetics


Authors: Zhang JS, Yang-Feng TL, Muller U, Mohandas TK, de Jong PJ, Lau YF

The American journal of physiology


Authors: Portale AA, Halloran BP, Harris ST, Bikle DD, Morris RC

Arteriosclerosis and thrombosis : a journal of vascular biology


Authors: Feingold KR, Grunfeld C, Pang M, Doerrler W, Krauss RM

Journal of lipid research


Authors: Feingold KR, Staprans I, Memon RA, Moser AH, Shigenaga JK, Doerrler W, Dinarello CA, Grunfeld C

American journal of epidemiology


Authors: Simon JA, Browner WS, Tao JL, Hulley SB

Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift | Volume 122 of Issue 45


Authors: Marti HP, Lovett DH