
We work hard to attract, retain, and support the most outstanding faculty.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society


Authors: Covinsky KE, Fuller JD, Yaffe K, Johnston CB, Hamel MB, Lynn J, Teno JM, Phillips RS

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society


Authors: Hamel MB, Lynn J, Teno JM, Covinsky KE, Wu AW, Galanos A, Desbiens NA, Phillips RS

The American journal of pathology


Authors: Faggioni R, Moser A, Feingold KR, Grunfeld C

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges | Volume 75 of Issue 5


Authors: Shunk R

"HIV within the House Ball Community and the Promise of Community-based Social Structures for Intervention and Support"


Authors: Redfern CH, Degtyarev MY, Kwa AT, Salomonis N, Cotte N, Nanevicz T, Fidelman N, Desai K, Vranizan K, Lee EK, Coward P, Shah N, Warrington JA, Fishman GI, Bernstein D, Baker AJ, Conklin BR

The Journal of biological chemistry


Authors: Hanley K, Kömüves LG, Ng DC, Schoonjans K, He SS, Lau P, Bikle DD, Williams ML, Elias PM, Auwerx J, Feingold KR



Authors: Shlipak MG, Simon JA, Vittinghoff E, Lin F, Barrett-Connor E, Knopp RH, Levy RI, Hulley SB

Archives of internal medicine


Authors: Ernster VL, Barclay J, Kerlikowske K, Wilkie H, Ballard-Barbash R