
We work hard to attract, retain, and support the most outstanding faculty.

Medical physics


Authors: Hinton B, Ma L, Mahmoudzadeh AP, Malkov S, Fan B, Greenwood H, Joe B, Lee V, Strand F, Kerlikowske K, Shepherd J

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society


Authors: Carpenter CR, Hurria A, Lundebjerg NE, Walter LC, Mody L

Annals of the rheumatic diseases


Authors: Tedeschi SK, Johnson SR, Boumpas DT, Daikh D, Dörner T, Diamond B, Jacobsen S, Jayne D, Kamen DL, McCune WJ, Mosca M, Ramsey-Goldman R, Ruiz-Irastorza G, Schneider M, Urowitz M, Wofsy D, Smolen JS, Naden RP, Aringer M, Costenbader KH

Journal of clinical tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases | Volume 15


Authors: Belanger A, Morris SB, Brostrom R, Yost D, Goswami N, Oxtoby M, Moore M, Westenhouse J, Barry PM, Shah NS

Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety


Authors: Patterson S, Schmajuk G, Evans M, Aggarwal I, Izadi Z, Gianfrancesco M, Yazdany J

Military medicine


Authors: Pyne JM, Kelly PA, Fischer EP, Miller CJ, Wright P, Zamora K, Koenig CJ, Stanley R, Seal K, Fortney JC

Current osteoporosis reports


Authors: Cheng C, Shoback D

Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography : official publication of the American Society of Echocardiography


Authors: Hanna DB, Lazar JM, Avadhani S, Kaplan RC, Anastos K, Gange SJ, Holman S, Minkoff HL, Kizer JR

Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics


Authors: Jayachandran P, Okochi H, Frassetto LA, Park W, Fang L, Zhao L, Benet LZ