Journal of general internal medicine
Authors: Taylor SL, Hoggatt KJ, Kligler B
Acta neuropathologica
Authors: Boza-Serrano A, Ruiz R, Sanchez-Varo R, García-Revilla J, Yang Y, Jimenez-Ferrer I, Paulus A, Wennström M, Vilalta A, Allendorf D, Davila JC, Stegmayr J, Jiménez S, Roca-Ceballos MA, Navarro-Garrido V, Swanberg M, Hsieh CL, Real LM, Englund E, Linse S, Leffler H, Nilsson UJ, Brown GC, Gutierrez A, Vitorica J, Venero JL, Deierborg T
BMC nephrology
Authors: Kim ED, Watt J, Tereshchenko LG, Jaar BG, Sozio SM, Kao WHL, Estrella MM, Parekh RS
Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society
Authors: Perez AA, Singer JP, Schwartz BS, Chin-Hong P, Shah RJ, Kleinhenz ME, Gao Y, Venado A, Leard LE, Golden JA, Kukreja J, Greenland JR, Hays SR
PloS one
Authors: Bhasin B, Lau B, Atta MG, Fine DM, Estrella MM, Schwartz GJ, Lucas GM
Journal of general internal medicine
Authors: Greer RC, Liu Y, Cavanaugh K, Diamantidis CJ, Estrella MM, Sperati CJ, Soman S, Abdel-Kader K, Agrawal V, Plantinga LC, Schell JO, Simon JF, Vassalotti JA, Jaar BG, Choi MJ
Journal of the American Heart Association
Authors: Massera D, McClelland RL, Ambale-Venkatesh B, Gomes AS, Hundley WG, Kawel-Boehm N, Yoneyama K, Owens DS, Garcia MJ, Sherrid MV, Kizer JR, Lima JAC, Bluemke DA
Authors: Atkinson NS, Ket S, Bassett P, Aponte D, De Aguiar S, Gupta N, Horimatsu T, Ikematsu H, Inoue T, Kaltenbach T, Leung WK, Matsuda T, Paggi S, Radaelli F, Rastogi A, Rex DK, Sabbagh LC, Saito Y, Sano Y, Saracco GM, Saunders BP, Senore C, Soetiko R, Vemulapalli KC, Jairath V, East JE
Authors: Bortnick AE, Xu S, Kim RS, Kestenbaum B, Ix JH, Jenny NS, de Boer IH, Michos ED, Thanassoulis G, Siscovick DS, Budoff MJ, Kizer JR
Journal of biomedical semantics
Authors: Conway M, Keyhani S, Christensen L, South BR, Vali M, Walter LC, Mowery DL, Abdelrahman S, Chapman WW