Annals of internal medicine
Authors: Rex DK, Bhavsar-Burke I, Buckles D, Burton J, Cartee A, Comar K, Edwards A, Fennimore B, Fischer M, Gerich M, Gilmore A, Hamdeh S, Hoffman J, Ibach M, Jackson M, James-Stevenson T, Kaltenbach T, Kaplan J, Kapur S, Kohm D, Kriss M, Kundumadam S, Kyanam Kabir Baig KR, Menard-Katcher P, Kraft C, Langworthy J, Misra B, Molloy E, Munoz JC, Norvell J, Nowak T, Obaitan I, Patel S, Patel M, Peter S, Reid BM, Rogers N, Ross J, Ryan J, Sagi S, Saito A, Samo S, Sarkis F, Scott FI, Siwiec R, Sullivan S, Wieland A, Zhang J, Repici A, Hassan C, Byrne MF, Rastogi A
Lupus science & medicine
Authors: Izadi Z, Gianfrancesco M, Anastasiou C, Schmajuk G, Yazdany J
Kidney Medicine
Authors: Postalcioglu M, Scherzer R, Ix JH, Jacobs DR, Lewis CE, Vaigankar S, Estrella MM, Gutierrez OM, Shlipak MG
Military medicine
Authors: Weaver FM, Cao L, Stroupe KT, Pratt A, Tanner CM, Goldman SM
Circulation. Heart failure
Authors: Bansal N, Zelnick LR, Scherzer R, Estrella M, Shlipak MG
Health Affairs Scholar
Authors: Lu A, Ji RZ, Magee MPD, Ross JS, Ramachandran R, Redberg RF, Dhruva SS
Journal of general internal medicine
Authors: Yoon J, Gujral K, Dismuke-Greer C, Scott JY, Jiang H
Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and essential fatty acids
Authors: Nesbeth PC, Ziegler TR, Tripathi AK, Dabeer S, Weiss D, Hao L, Smith MR, Jones DP, Maner-Smith KM, Tu CL, Chang W, Weitzmann MN, Alvarez JA
RMD open
Authors: Rudwaleit M, Deodhar A, Bauer L, Gensler L, Hoepken B, Kumke T, Auteri SE, Kim M, Maksymowych W
BMC health services research
Authors: Dizon MP, Chow A, Ong MK, Phibbs CS, Vanneman ME, Zhang Y, Yoon J