ACR Open Rheumatology
Authors: Izadi Z, Gianfrancesco MA, Aguirre A, Strangfeld A, Mateus EF, Hyrich KL, Gossec L, Carmona L, Lawson-Tovey S, Kearsley-Fleet L, Schaefer M, Seet AM, Schmajuk G, Jacobsohn L, Katz P, Rush S, Al-Emadi S, Sparks JA, Hsu TY, Patel NJ, Wise L, Gilbert E, Duarte-García A, Valenzuela-Almada MO, Ugarte-Gil MF, Ribeiro SLE, de Oliveira Marinho A, de Azevedo Valadares LD, Giuseppe DD, Hasseli R, Richter JG, Pfeil A, Schmeiser T, Isnardi CA, Reyes Torres AA, Alle G, Saurit V, Zanetti A, Carrara G, Labreuche J, Barnetche T, Herasse M, Plassart S, Santos MJ, Rodrigues AM, Robinson PC, Machado PM, Sirotich E, Liew JW, Hausmann JS, Sufka P, Grainger R, Bhana S, Costello W, Wallace ZS, Yazdany J, Global Rheumatology Alliance Registry
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges
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Ethnicity & disease
Authors: Murray CSG, Zamora C, Shitole SG, Christa P, Lee UJ, Bortnick AE, Kizer JR, Rodriguez CJ
The journal of allergy and clinical immunology. Global
Authors: Arjomandi M, Wong H, Tenney R, Holland N, Balmes JR
Authors: Rankin S, Han L, Scherzer R, Tenney S, Keating M, Genberg K, Rahn M, Wilkins K, Shlipak M, Estrella M
Authors: Lewis GD, Voors AA, Cohen-Solal A, Metra M, Whellan DJ, Ezekowitz JA, Böhm M, Teerlink JR, Docherty KF, Lopes RD, Divanji PH, Heitner SB, Kupfer S, Malik FI, Meng L, Wohltman A, Felker GM
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Authors: Greenberg AL, Cevallos JR, Ojute FM, Davis DL, Greene WR, Lebares CC
ACR Open Rheumatology
Authors: Robinson PC, Machado PM, Haroon N, Gensler LS, Reveille JD, Taieb V, Vaux T, Fleurinck C, Oortgiesen M, de Peyrecave N, Deodhar A
International journal of prisoner health
Authors: Kanbergs A, Garcia-Grossman I, Ahalt C, DiTomas M, Bedard R, Williams B