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Gastrointestinal endoscopy | Volume 93 of Issue 3


Authors: Shergill AK, Rempel D, Barr A, Lee D, Pereira A, Hsieh CM, McQuaid K, Harris-Adamson C

Journal of general internal medicine


Authors: Strait A, Gasper W, Dhaliwal G



Authors: Shaukat A, Kaltenbach T, Dominitz JA, Robertson DJ, Anderson JC, Cruise M, Burke CA, Gupta S, Lieberman D, Syngal S, Rex DK

JAMA network open


Authors: Bauer SR, Breyer BN, Stampfer MJ, Rimm EB, Giovannucci EL, Kenfield SA

The Journal of clinical investigation


Authors: Cleary SJ, Kwaan N, Tian JJ, Calabrese DR, Mallavia B, Magnen M, Greenland JR, Urisman A, Singer JP, Hays SR, Kukreja J, Hay AM, Howie HL, Toy P, Lowell CA, Morrell CN, Zimring JC, Looney MR

VideoGIE : an official video journal of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | Volume 6 of Issue 1


Authors: Kouanda A, Watson R, Binmoeller KF, Nett A, Hamerski C

RMD open


Authors: Doughem K, Weisman MH, Ward MM, Gensler LS, Ishimori M, Tahanan A, Kung DC, Diekman L, Lee M, Rahbar MH, Reveille JD

Gastrointestinal endoscopy


Authors: Shaukat A, Kaltenbach T, Dominitz JA, Robertson DJ, Anderson JC, Cruise M, Burke CA, Gupta S, Lieberman D, Syngal S, Rex DK

The American journal of gastroenterology


Authors: Shaukat A, Kaltenbach T, Dominitz JA, Robertson DJ, Anderson JC, Cruise M, Burke CA, Gupta S, Lieberman D, Syngal S, Rex DK