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Medical education online


Authors: Pearson M, Barker AM, Battistone MJ, Bent S, Odden K, O'Brien B

PLoS pathogens | Volume 16 of Issue 11


Authors: Moron-Lopez S, Telwatte S, Sarabia I, Battivelli E, Montano M, Macedo AB, Aran D, Butte AJ, Jones RB, Bosque A, Verdin E, Greene WC, Wong JK, Yukl SA

PLoS pathogens


Authors: Moron-Lopez S, Telwatte S, Sarabia I, Battivelli E, Montano M, Macedo AB, Aran D, Butte AJ, Jones RB, Bosque A, Verdin E, Greene WC, Wong JK, Yukl SA

Journal of renal nutrition : the official journal of the Council on Renal Nutrition of the National Kidney Foundation


Authors: Chiang JM, Delgado C, Kaysen GA, Segal MR, Chertow GM, Johansen KL

International journal of molecular sciences


Authors: Yoshizaki K, Fukumoto S, Bikle DD, Oda Y

JACC. Heart failure


Authors: Felker GM, McMurray JJV, Cleland JG, O'Connor CM, Teerlink JR, Voors AA, Belohlavek J, Böhm M, Borentain M, Bueno H, Cole RT, DeSouza MM, Ezekowitz JA, Filippatos G, Lang NN, Kessler PD, Martinez FA, Mebazaa A, Metra M, Mosterd A, Pang PS, Ponikowski P, Sato N, Seiffert D, Ye J



Authors: Chen TK, Fitzpatrick J, Winkler CA, Binns-Roemer EA, Corona-Villalobos CP, Jaar BG, Sozio SM, Parekh RS, Estrella MM

HIV research & clinical practice


Authors: D'Souza G, Springer G, Gustafson D, Kassaye S, Alcaide ML, Ramirez C, Sharma A, Palella FJ, Tien PC, Detels R, Kempf MC, Lahiri CD, Rinaldo CR, French AL, Margolick JB, Adimora AA



Authors: Emily R Cedarbaum, Yifei Ma, Rebecca Scherzer, Adaora A Adimora, Marcas Bamman, Mardge Cohen, Margaret A Fischl, Deborah R Gustafson, Kunihiro Matsushita, Igho Ofotokun, Michael Plankey, Eric C Seaberg, Anjali Sharma, Phyllis C Tien

Journal of the American College of Cardiology


Authors: Psotka MA, Abraham WT, Fiuzat M, Filippatos G, Lindenfeld J, Ahmad T, Bhatt AS, Carson PE, Cleland JGF, Felker GM, Januzzi JL, Kitzman DW, Leifer ES, Lewis EF, McMurray JJV, Mentz RJ, Solomon SD, Stockbridge N, Teerlink JR, Vaduganathan M, Vardeny O, Whellan DJ, Wittes J, Anker SD, O'Connor CM