ZSFG Grand Rounds

Grand Rounds
"Racism in Medicine and Public Health"

Presenter: Marissa Raymond-Flesch, MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Health Policy, UCSF


Meeting ID: 981 6710 4286 Password: 489529 Call-in: +1 669 900 6833, +1 213 338 8477, +1 669 219 2599

Disclosure: The speaker Dr. Raymond–Flesch, and the planners Lurit Bepo, TJ Nguyen, Collette DeJong declare they have no disclosures.

Objectives:  At the end of this presentation audience members will be able to…

  1. Define the different types of racism: internalized, personally mediated, and institutional
  2. Identify ways that the racism and xenophobia which are present in the current United States political climate can impact the health and wellbeing of youth in California
  3. Recognize opportunities for addressing racism and xenophobia in academic medical settings including for patients, trainees, and providers

There will be no CEU’s issued for this activity

Add to Calendar 2020-07-14 12:00:00 2020-07-14 13:00:00 ZSFG Grand Rounds Presenter: Marissa Raymond-Flesch, MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Health Policy, UCSF https://ucsf.zoom.us/s/98167104286?pwd=T3NFK2FDTEtqZ09MUzlsSVY4TVBkQT09#success Meeting ID: 981 6710 4286 Password: 489529 Call-in: +1 669 900 6833, +1 213 338 8477, +1 669 219 2599 Disclosure: The speaker Dr. Raymond–Flesch, and the planners Lurit Bepo, TJ Nguyen, Collette DeJong declare they have no disclosures. Objectives:  At the end of this presentation audience members will be able to… Define the different types of racism: internalized, personally mediated, and institutional Identify ways that the racism and xenophobia which are present in the current United States political climate can impact the health and wellbeing of youth in California Recognize opportunities for addressing racism and xenophobia in academic medical settings including for patients, trainees, and providers There will be no CEU’s issued for this activity Veleta L. Whitfield, MBA, Health Professionals Education Specialist, 638-206-8317 UCSF Department of Medicine at VA America/Los_Angeles public